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English Translation:

Wanglushan Waterfall is one of the famous scenic spots in China, located in the Lushan Scenic Area in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. It is one of the largest waterfalls in China, with a height of 155 meters and a width of 101 meters. The waterfall is made up of three levels, with water flowing like silver ribbons, falling straight down and stunning people.

The color and shape of Wanglushan Waterfall change with the seasons. In spring and summer, the water flow is turbulent, and the water splashes, forming a misty water mist, giving people a sense of mystery. In autumn and winter, the water flow slows down, and the color of the waterfall also changes, becoming a deep blue tone, which is very beautiful.

Wanglushan Waterfall is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. It was once called 'the waterfall falls straight down for three thousand feet, and it is suspected to be the Milky Way falling from the nine heavens' by the poet Li Bai. Since ancient times, many literary figures have come here to seek inspiration. Here, you can enjoy beautiful natural scenery and feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture.

In short, Wanglushan Waterfall is a place worth visiting. It is not only a natural wonder of China, but also an important cultural heritage. If you come to China, you must come and see this stunning attraction!


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