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1. Crisp - This word describes the cool and refreshing air that often characterizes autumn weather.

2. Golden - As the leaves on trees begin to change color, they take on a beautiful golden hue that is both stunning and enchanting.

3. Breezy - Autumn is often accompanied by gentle breezes that rustle the leaves and bring a fresh, invigorating feeling to the air.

4. Harvest - This word brings to mind the bounty of the season, with its cornucopia of fruits, vegetables, and other delicious treats.

5. Rustling - The sound of leaves crunching underfoot or rustling in the wind is a hallmark of autumn, and it evokes a sense of peace and tranquility.

6. Crunchy - As temperatures drop, the leaves on trees become dry and brittle, creating a satisfying crunching sound when stepped on.

7. Warm - Though autumn can be chilly, there are also plenty of warm, sunny days that make it a great time to be outside.

8. Cozy - As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, there's nothing quite like snuggling up with a warm blanket and a good book.

9. Smoky - Autumn is also the season of bonfires and campfires, and the scent of wood smoke is a hallmark of this time of year.

10. Foliage - The changing leaves on trees are one of the most beautiful sights of autumn, and the term 'foliage' is often used to describe this natural wonder.

With these words, you can paint a vivid picture of the stunning beauty and unique atmosphere of autumn weather.


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