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Sushi rice is one of the traditional Japanese delicacies, made primarily from high-quality rice and vinegar. Here are the detailed steps to make sushi rice.

Firstly, choose high-quality sushi rice and wash it until the water becomes clear. Then put the rice in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water and boil it over medium heat. Then turn to low heat and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice is cooked.

Next, pour the rice into a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of sushi vinegar, and mix gently with a wooden spoon. The recipe for sushi vinegar is to mix vinegar, sugar, and salt together and heat until the sugar and salt dissolve.

Then, put the sushi rice on a flat plate and push the rice into an even thin layer with a wooden spoon. Then, dip your fingers in a little salt water and spread it on the sushi rice so that the sushi rice won't stick to your hands.

Next, you can place various seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients on the sushi rice according to your preference. Finally, roll the sushi with seaweed and cut it into small pieces with a knife for consumption.

Making sushi rice requires patience and skill, but as long as you master the basic method, you can make delicious sushi rice.


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