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1. 自我介绍

回答范例:Hello, my name is Zhang San. I’m a senior student from ABC High School. I’m interested in reading and playing basketball. I’m also good at English and have won several awards in various English competitions. I’m very glad to have the opportunity to participate in the English interview.

2. 介绍你的家庭或朋友

回答范例:My family consists of my parents, my younger brother and me. My father is a businessman and my mother is a teacher. They love me very much and always support me to pursue my dreams. My brother is in middle school and he’s very cute. As for my friends, I have a few close friends who share similar interests with me. We often hang out together and have a lot of fun.

3. 谈论你的学习计划

回答范例:As a senior student, I have to focus on my studies and prepare for the college entrance examination. I plan to study hard and review previous knowledge systematically. I’ll also participate in some extracurricular activities to enrich my life and improve my interpersonal skills. In addition, I’ll read more books and practice writing to enhance my language proficiency.

4. 谈论你的理想

回答范例:My ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. I’ve always been fascinated by business and have read a lot of books on this topic. I believe that with my creativity and hard work, I can start my own business and make a positive impact on society. Of course, this is a long-term goal and I need to work hard step by step to achieve it.



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