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毕加索的全名是帕布罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索(Pablo Ruiz Picasso),他是20世纪最杰出的西班牙画家、雕塑家和版画家之一,也是现代艺术的代表人物。他的艺术风格变幻多端,上世纪初期以立体主义和表现主义为主,后来又转向了抽象表现主义和超现实主义。他的作品在欧洲和全世界范围内都受到了广泛的认可和赞誉。毕加索是艺术史上最有影响力的艺术家之一,他的艺术创造力和影响力至今仍然在世界范围内得到广泛的认可。

Pablo Ruiz Picasso is the full name of Picasso in Chinese. He was one of the most outstanding Spanish painters, sculptors, and printmakers of the 20th century, and a representative figure of modern art. His artistic style varied widely, focusing on cubism and expressionism in the early 20th century, and later shifting towards abstract expressionism and surrealism. His works have been widely recognized and praised in Europe and around the world. Picasso is one of the most influential artists in art history, and his artistic creativity and influence are still widely recognized worldwide.


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