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- I was planning to go to the beach today, however, it is raining heavily.

- John is a hardworking student, however, he didn't do well in his final exams.


1. However much/ Many/ Few/ Little/ Often/ Seldom/ etc. - 表示不管多少、多少、少量、少许、经常、很少等等。例如:

- However much I try, I can't seem to understand this math problem.

- However little time we have left, we need to finish this project on time.

2. However much/ Many/ Few/ Little/ etc. + Noun - 表示数量的限制。例如:

- However many books she reads, she never seems to get tired of reading.

- However little money we have, we need to find a way to make it work.

3. However + Adjective - 表示程度的限制。例如:

- However difficult the task may seem, we need to try our best to complete it.

- However boring the movie was, I still stayed until the end.

4. However + Adverb - 表示程度的限制。例如:

- However fast he runs, he can never catch up with me.

- However carefully you drive, accidents can still happen.



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