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A: Hey, have you heard about the recent case of campus bullying?

B: No, what happened?

A: A student was being bullied by a group of classmates, both physically and verbally.

B: That's terrible. Did they report it to the school authorities?

A: Yes, but it took a while for action to be taken. The victim had to suffer for a long time.

B: This is not acceptable. We need to do something to stop bullying on campus.

A: I agree. We can start by talking to our classmates and reminding them to be kind and respectful to one another.

B: And we should also report any incidents of bullying we witness or hear about.

A: Absolutely. We have to make sure that everyone feels safe and supported in our school.

B: And we can also organize events or activities that promote kindness and empathy.

A: That's a great idea. Let's work together to create a positive and inclusive school environment.

B: Yes, let's make sure that no one has to go through the pain and trauma of being bullied.


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