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1. About:关于,对于

He is always talking about his new job.

2. Above:在……之上,超过

The plane flew above the clouds.

3. Across:横跨,穿过

The bridge spans across the river.

4. After:在……之后,追随

After the rain stopped, the sun came out.

5. Against:反对,倚靠

The wall is leaning against the tree.

6. Along:沿着,顺着

We walked along the beach.

7. Among:在……之中,当中

There were many people among the crowd.

8. Around:在……周围,大约

He walked around the park.

9. At:在……处,以……为目标

She is good at math.

10. Before:在……之前,先于

We arrived before the movie started.

11. Behind:在……后面,落后

The car is parked behind the building.

12. Below:在……之下,低于

The temperature is below freezing.

13. Beneath:在……下面,在……之下

The submarine is hidden beneath the water.

14. Beside:在……旁边,与……相比

She sits beside her sister.

15. Between:在……之间,两者之间

The book is between the two lamps.

16. Beyond:在……之外,超出

The view from the mountain top is beyond words.

17. By:靠近,通过,由……完成

The train arrived by the station.

18. Down:向下,沿着,关掉

He walked down the stairs.

19. During:在……期间,经过

She studied hard during the exam week.

20. Except:除了……以外,不包括

Everyone was there except for Tom.

21. For:为了,因为,持续

He works hard for his family.

22. From:从……来,离……远

The train is coming from the station.

23. In:在……中,穿着

She is in the classroom.

24. Inside:在……里面,内部

The cat is inside the box.

25. Into:进入,变成

The water turned into ice.

26. Like:像,例如

She sings like a bird.

27. Near:在……附近,接近

The restaurant is near the park.

28. Of:……的,关于

The color of the sky is blue.

29. Off:离开,关闭

He turned off the TV.

30. On:在……上,关于

The book is on the table.



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