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As a rising trend in streetwear fashion, '潦草 (liáo cǎo)' has gained popularity among young people in China. The term '潦草' literally means 'sloppy' or 'untidy' in Chinese, but it has been redefined to represent a unique and rebellious attitude towards fashion.

Originating from the underground culture of Chinese hip-hop, 潦草 has become a symbol of individuality and non-conformity. It is often associated with oversized and baggy clothing, torn and distressed fabrics, and bold graphics and slogans. The style is a fusion of streetwear, punk, and hip-hop, and it is characterized by its unapologetic and carefree vibe.

One of the most prominent 潦草 brands is Li-Ning, a Chinese sportswear brand that has taken the fashion world by storm. Li-Ning's 潦草 collection features oversized hoodies, baggy pants, and graphic t-shirts with slogans such as '潦草不羁 (Liáo cǎo bù jī)' which translates to 'sloppy and rebellious.' The brand has attracted a cult following among young people who embrace the 潦草 aesthetic.

Another popular 潦草 brand is 3.PARADIS, a Canadian streetwear label that has collaborated with Li-Ning to create a collection that embodies the 潦草 spirit. The collection features oversized parkas, cargo pants, and graphic t-shirts with bold slogans such as 'PAIN IS BEAUTIFUL' and 'LIFE IS A JOKE.'

Overall, 潦草 represents a new wave of streetwear fashion that celebrates individualism and self-expression. It is a reflection of the changing attitudes of young people towards fashion and society, and it is a trend that is here to stay. So, if you want to embrace the 潦草 lifestyle, grab an oversized hoodie, some baggy pants, and let your sloppiness shine!


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