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MiniJianHanZhenGuangBiao (迷你简汉真广标) is a simplified Chinese font that has gained popularity in recent years. However, many people may wonder how to write its English name correctly.

The English name of MiniJianHanZhenGuangBiao can be translated as 'Mini Simplified Han (Chinese) True Wide Standard Font'. So, the abbreviation of its English name is 'MSHTW'.

When writing the English name of this font, it is important to note that the word 'True' is used instead of 'Real' or 'Genuine'. Additionally, 'Standard' is used instead of 'Regular' or 'Normal'.

Therefore, the correct English name of MiniJianHanZhenGuangBiao is 'Mini Simplified Han True Wide Standard Font' or 'MSHTW' for short.

In conclusion, MiniJianHanZhenGuangBiao is a popular simplified Chinese font, and its English name can be written as 'Mini Simplified Han True Wide Standard Font' or 'MSHTW'.


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