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When drafting a contract, it is important to include a section for the use of a special seal or stamp, commonly known as a contract seal or contract signature stamp. This seal serves as an official marker that the document is legally binding and authentic.

The template for a contract seal should include the following elements:

1. Name of the company or individual using the seal

2. The phrase 'Contract Seal' or 'Contract Signature Stamp'

3. The date the seal is applied

4. The signature of the person using the seal, or a blank space for their signature

5. A space for the seal itself, which may include the company logo or other identifying marks

The placement of the seal should be clearly indicated in the contract, usually at the end of the document or next to the signature line. It is also important to ensure that the seal is visible and legible, as it serves as a key identifier of the legal document.

When designing a contract seal, it is important to consider the legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which the contract will be executed. Some countries or regions may require specific language or formatting for the contract seal to be considered valid.

In summary, a contract seal or signature stamp is an important element of any legally binding document. A well-designed template should include the necessary elements to ensure the document is authentic and legally binding, while also conforming to any legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which it will be executed.


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