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Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy can be a daunting task. You want something that is simple, easy to pronounce, and most importantly, something that sounds good. Here are some great options for simple and cute English names for baby boys:

1. Jack: A classic name that has stood the test of time. It's simple, easy to spell, and has a strong sound to it.

2. Ethan: Another timeless name, Ethan is a Hebrew name that means 'strong' or 'firm'. It also has a modern feel to it, making it a popular choice for parents.

3. Liam: A short and sweet name that has gained popularity in recent years. It's a shortened version of the Irish name William, which means 'strong-willed warrior'.

4. Noah: A name of Hebrew origin that means 'rest' or 'comfort'. It's simple, easy to spell, and has a calming sound to it.

5. Jake: A shortened version of the name Jacob, Jake is a simple and cute name that is easy to pronounce and spell.

6. Leo: A name of Latin origin that means 'lion'. It's short, sweet, and has a strong sound to it.

7. Max: A name of German origin that means 'greatest'. It's a simple and cute name that is easy to pronounce and spell.

8. Owen: A Welsh name that means 'youthful warrior'. It has a modern feel to it and is a great option for parents looking for a simple yet strong name.

9. Ryan: An Irish name that means 'little king'. It's a simple and cute name that has a modern feel to it.

10. Sam: A shortened version of the name Samuel, Sam is a simple and cute name that has a friendly and approachable sound to it.

Overall, there are plenty of simple and cute English names for baby boys to choose from. Whether you prefer classic names or more modern options, there is something out there for every parent and baby.


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